Use "religionist|religionists" in a sentence

1. Both the atheist and the religionist seem to be right.

2. Here there is a difference between Brahmanists and other religionists

3. However, not all religionists in Christendom are happy over this trend.

4. As a group, Britain's Muslims come across as more disaffected than their co - religionists elsewhere.

5. (Revelation 18:2, 24) Will Jehovah God, the Giver of human life, call those religionists to account for their bloodguilt?

6. I (OF II) CHARLES JAMES LEVER At the same time it is a truth which it Behooves every religionist and particularly every Jew to believe.

7. By contrast, cultural affinity can mean particular concern for the plight of co-religionists, or fellow language speakers, even in small countries far away.

8. When Belshazzar saw that his trust in these religionists had been in vain, he became still more frightened, his complexion grew paler, and even his grandees were “perplexed.”

9. In addition to making a living, they had to bear the harsh rule of the Romans and the oppressive burden of the formalistic religionists of the day.

10. Alawites, who have long rallied behind their co-religionist president, now want to execute his cousin for killing an Alawite army officer August 7 in an apparent road rage incident

11. (John 9:39-41) With good reason, Jesus warned his disciples, “Watch out for the leaven” of this elitist group and other religionists, such as the Sadducees.

12. Instead of modernists , I propose mainstream secularists as the forward looking Muslims who uniquely can wrench their co - religionists out of their current slough of despair and radicalism .

13. "Chutzpah" by Alan Dershowitz The definition of Chutzpah is something like hubris or extreme arrogance.What Mr.Dershowitz is urging on his co-religionists is to assert themselves as first-class cititzens,rather than accepting a role as a second-class minority

14. To have Book of Legends/Sefer Ha-Aggadah available in English is to open to the entire English-reading world -- Jew, non-Jew, religionist, secularist -- one of the very great creations of humankind: a rich and intricately woven tapestry of tales, homilies, legends and dreams that come to …

15. The Accommodationists argue that it is a mistake to insist that science is antithetical to religion because if science is determined to be an intrinsically atheistic enterprise, then even so-called moderate religionists will turn away from science and not support efforts to oppose the teaching of religious ideas such as intelligent design in